UAB Teltonika Telematics

ECAN02 (ECAN02000001)

New generation of CAN adapter for reading CAN data in contactless mode. Compatibility (LV-CAN200, ALL-CAN300, FMX640, FMB641, FMX650, FMB140, FMB240, FMX150)

Código de artículo VAR-827002080

Número de pieza del fabricante: ECAN02000001, ECAN02 000001

Código aduanero: 85269180

Disponible para envío inmediato: ${ $ }

Retraso previsto en el envío por encima de las existencias disponibles: 2 - 4 semanas

Artículo ubicado en y enviado desde: Riedlingen, Alemania

17,95 EUR *
Contenido 1

* Sin IVA excl. Gastos de envío


ECAN02 is a new and small warranty friendly adapter for reading CAN data in contactless mode.


Now the device reads up to 100% of available CAN data in 1000 kb/s


Know exactly if you had installed the adapter properly to define when the data is being transmitted

It reads can bus data through the isolation of wires without damaging them and forwards signals to tracking device.

Standard package contains

  • 1 pcs. ECAN02 adapters
  • 1 pcs. Power wires

Identificación de artículo 101716
ID de artículo histórico 100004
Modelo ECAN02000001, ECAN02 000001
Fabricante UAB Teltonika Telematics
País de origen
Contenido 1 undefined
Peso 20 g
Peso neto 15 g
Dimensiones 17×18×40mm


  • ECAN02 collects vehicle data from CAN bus without damaging the wires
  • Powered from on-board power source
  • Reads the signals through the isolation of CAN bus wires
  • Easy to install and operate
  • CAN-BUS speeds from 33 to 1000 kb/s
  • Automatically adjusts signal level and speed

Available versions

Region Product code Package contains
World Wide Market
  • ECAN02 adapter
  • Power wires