
GL50B Lite

Micro Standby Asset Tracker

Artikelnummer VAR-827003006

Hersteller-Teilenummer: GL50B Lite

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Artikel befindet sich in und wird versendet von: Riedlingen, Deutschland

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1. Up to 4 year of standby time 2. Micro size allowing covert installation 3. IP67 waterproof case (optional) 4. Ideal for stolen vehicle recovery and asset monitoring. .The newly released GL50B Lite is a state-of-the-art micro sized tracking product that has all our customers excited by its possibilities. Smaller than a matchbox, it lasts for up to four years, giving it the longest battery life of any device of its size in the market. The product is an excellent example of Queclink’s leading expertise in the design of long standby asset trackers. The product is designed as a “secret weapon” for combatting vehicle theft, helping many of our Latin American customers specializing in SVR to increase their recovery rate. In addition, the product has also proved effective in various applications such as auto financing, asset monitoring, car rental and leasing and more. Certificates CE, Anatel

Art.-ID 102562
Zustand Neu
Modell GL50B Lite
Hersteller Monito
Herstellungsland Litauen
Inhalt 1 Stück
Gewicht 500 g

Frequency Quad band: 850 / 900 / 1800 / 1900 MHz Compliant to GSM phase 2/2+ -Class 5(0.8W @ 900 MHz) -Class 1(1W @ 1800 MHz) GPRS GPRS multi-slot class 8 GPRS mobile station class B RMS Phase Error 5 deg Max RF Output Power GSM900: 29.0±2 dBm DCS1800: 30.0±2 dBm Dynamic Input Range -15 ~ -108 dBm Receiver Sensitivity Class Ⅱ RBER 2% (-107 dBm) Stability Of Frequency < 2.5 ppm Max Frequency Error ±0.1 ppm