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RYMPCON: Mini PCIe card to USB2.0 Interface adapter compatible with RYWDB00

Mini PCIe card to USB2.0 Interface adapter (RYWDB00 or other PCIe cards)

Artikelnummer VAR-827001798

Hersteller-Teilenummer: RYMPCON

Taric/custom code: 85177900

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Artikel befindet sich in und wird versendet von: Riedlingen, Deutschland

7,32 USD *
Inhalt 1 Stück

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* Exkl. MwSt. exkl. Versandkosten


REYAX RYMPCON Mini PCIe card to USB2.0 Interface adapter. The RYMPCON is designed for Operating System that converts Wi-Fi/3G/4G wireless 50.95mm*30mm Mini PCIe card to USB 2.0 port. As push-pull micro SIM card socket is provided, you can insert the SIM card to connect to network.

◆ Mini PCIe card to USB2.0 Interface adapter.

◆ Build-in a micro SIM card holder.

◆ Temperature range: -40 to +85°C.

Art.-ID 101510
Zustand Neu
Hersteller Reyax
Herstellungsland Taiwan
Inhalt 1 Stück
Gewicht 110 g
Netto-Gewicht 100 g



Item Min. Typical Max. Unit Description
Operating Voltage Power Input 3 3.3 5.5 V VDD_USB
Mini PCIe socket Power Voltage 3.2 3.3 3.4 V VCC
USB Interface         V2.0
Operating Temperature -40 25 +85 ˚C  
Weight   10   g